BC Wildfires & Smoke
HVAC Preventative Measures
As the smoke from the devastating BC wildfires may soon be reaching the Lower Mainland, the team at Haakon Mechanical Services wants to ensure our valued customers are informed on mitigation techniques in relation to their buildings IAQ (Indoor Air Quality).
1. Air Filtration
Upgrading filters is a consideration to help prevent harmful and nuisance smoke particles from entering an occupied space. Where mechanical equipment can handle increasing the efficiency (MERV rating) of a filter, it is good practice for the overall health of everyone in the building and the equipment to do so.
2. Fresh Air
Under normal circumstances, we would recommend reducing the % of fresh air supplied to the building to the minimum allowable amount. Taking into consideration the fact that we are in Phase 3 of the BC Restart Plan and increased fresh air is still recommended, this option may not yet be the most appropriate course of action. Feel free to contact us for further insight on this.
If you would like to support those impacted by the fires, please visit the Canadian Red Cross.
As always, we thank you for your ongoing business and support. Please do not hesitate to reach out directly for further explanation or quotes for any of the above.
Kris Genest
Haakon Mechanical Services
O: 604-273-0161